esde Maschinentechnik GmbH
Valdorfer Str. 15
+49 5731 9014
esde Laboratory Extruders are real “Big Sellers” There is a keen demand for esde Laboratory Extruders as their versatility is impressive. Our Laboratory Extruders can do everything what our big esde Single Screw Extruders can do – only in a smaller version. The smallest esde Laboratory Extruder has an output achievement of 1 kg/h up to 50 kg/h. The direct drive is quiet and reliable. The Laboratory Extruder is operated by a touch-screen PC that also registers each single operating data in a safe and simple way for easy documentation and evaluation of the test results. Small Size – Large Flexibility The smallest esde Extruder is not only used for laboratory purposes but also for small-batch production as well as satellite extruder in the co-extrusion process. To save space the complete electrics are integrated in the machine housing. The barrier screw is either tuned to a special type of material or universally designed for all kinds of thermoplastics.